
What Makes You Smile?

by | Feb 17, 2019 | General Wellness, Just Makes You Feel Good

When you think of your special someone does it make you smile? Have you ever stopped to wonder where does that smile originate? Every smile is connected to a feeling. When you think of something such as an event, a pet, or person for whom you have a good feeling, you may immediately feel a smile creeping across your face and may even feel it all over your body. Did you know you can use that same smile to bring yourself into a more positive state when you are feeling down, scared or angry?

Smile, it makes people wonder what you’re up to… 

To begin raising your awareness of how you can switch your feelings with a smile or thought; sit up straight and comfortably in your chair, hold in your mind’s eye a person who makes you smile. As you think about them and smile, notice any other feelings or sensations in your body – is it behind your eyes, in your heart, in your belly, legs or toes? With each breath let that feeling expand from wherever it starts and become bigger. Play with how big and full you can experience the feeling with your smile. Notice the smile on your face and how it feels so easy and comfortable as you hold the happy thought.

Now that you can see the connection between your feelings and the smile on your face think of an unhappy thought (nothing too serious as you are just trying something new). With that unhappy thought in mind, put a big fat smile on your face. Remember, you are not smiling at the thought but just noticing when you force the smile – does it shift the feeling of the unhappy thought? Hold the smile for at least 16 seconds, that will be the beginning of a shift in your energy to a lighter state and allow you to lighten your feeling around a negative thought or experience.

Your body posture and even your facial posture has been shown to have a tangible impact on how you feel inside, how you experience life, and how well you feel in general. Practice a smile each day and notice how different you can feel.