
Brightest Hope

by | Sep 26, 2018 | Announcements, Just Makes You Feel Good

Most businesses start out with a mission statement. Mission statements are effective. It defines who they are and who they want to be. Well Into Life Massage and Bodywork has a vision: It is to help people move physical and emotional blocks, so they can step fully into their authentic life. Vision is the act or power of imagination. The mode of seeing or conceiving. At the onset, Carey Phillips saw Well Into Life as a collaborative gathering of small business women and men growing their future together as therapists. After 9 years as a massage therapist and energy worker, she now has a team of skilled therapists from varied backgrounds, some young in their journey as therapists and others more seasoned. She freely admits she was more enthusiastic at first but who isn’t at the start of any venture? It has been a challenging road but one worth traveling down. Her belief is everything will happen in divine time and divine order.


When asked about her brightest hope for the clients of Well Into Life? “That they wouldn’t need us anymore.”


While that may be a surprising answer, it is a hope all practitioners who truly are invested in healing should hold.  Another hope? Clients learn to appreciate the value of maintenance. A phrase we hear all too often is “We need to practice self-care.” But how many of us do it? And more importantly, how many of us do it consistently?


Carey and her team of therapists at Well Into Life understand that none of us gets it right 100% of the time. However, they are optimistic about playing an integral part on the journey it takes to help clients grow into the type of people who seek to maintain it most of the time.


If vision indeed is the act of power or imagination, then Carey and her family of therapists are manifesting it—one healing body, one healing soul at a time.