
Set SMART Goals to Achieve More This Year

by | Jan 3, 2019 | General Wellness, Tips and Tricks

This is the time of year many set aside for digging into New Year’s resolutions. If you are like most, you have made a resolution or two yourself. Maybe to lose weight, exercise more or eat healthier, manage finances better, get a better job, etc. We have an inherent desire to grow, improve and become better versions of ourselves from year to year. It’s no wonder why there is an observable jump in sales and attendance for fitness apparel and gym memberships at the beginning of January! BUT, then there is an equally observable dip in gym attendance by the end of the month. So what happens?

“He who fails to plan is planning to fail.”
-Winston Churchill

When we embark on a new endeavor, one rarely plans to fail, but failing to set SMART goals will inhibit our forward progress in a big way! 

SMART Goals Are:
Specific — Measurable — Achievable — Realistic — Time-bound

Human nature, as it is, can cause us to stray from our focus, missing deadlines and important milestones. A great way to stay on the path is to have an accountability partner. It should be someone you have a set time to check in with each week (even for a few minutes) and report on your progress against your goals. Choosing an accountability partner can be as easy as asking a friend to exercise with you or identifying someone you admire who has accomplished similar results and asking them if you can share your goals and check in with them to report your progress. I know for myself, when I have a looming self-imposed deadline, I am more likely to accomplish it if I have to tell someone I “failed” to meet my deadline.

“Goals are dreams with work boots on.”
-David Ramsey

Once you have identified your desired end result and set your goals in motion, it is time to get to work! The work can be as pleasurable or as painful as your mindset will allow, but to move the needle in life, you need to apply yourself in ways you never have to achieve the things you haven’t yet.

Wishing you a prosperous and successful year!