Pre- & Post-Natal Massage
Having a prenatal or postnatal massage at Well Into Life is a wonderful way to minimize stress, promote relaxation and help with discomfort.
While pregnancy is certainly a special time in life, it’s also a time when there can be many discomforts and pain. Having a prenatal or postnatal massage at Well Into Life is a wonderful way to minimize stress, promote relaxation and help with discomfort in the feet, ankles, lower back and neck, as well as reducing swelling. We take special care to promote relaxation during the session by using positioning and support so Mom can feel re-energized and more comfortable.
Check with your Doctor or Midwife to make sure it’s okay for you to get a Pregnancy Massage before scheduling. And have good communication with your Massage therapist so they understand which areas you would like to specifically have addressed in your session. And as always, let your therapist know immediately if you experience any discomfort.
While some people may choose to wait until after their first trimester to receive a massage, pre-natal massage can be beneficial at any time during pregnancy, from day 1 until delivery. As always, check with your medical professional to determine the safety of massage during your pregnancy.
Is a special person in your life pregnant?
If you know someone who is pregnant, then you know someone who would really appreciate having a massage. And here’s your opportunity to instantly be one of her favorite people. Get her a Well Into Life Massage Gift Certificate today!
Types of Massages
Click on each massage type below to learn more:
Benefits of a Pregnancy Massage
There are a lot of good reasons to get a massage while you’re pregnant, or even after you’ve given birth. Even if you’ve never had a massage before, now might be one of the best times for you to schedule one. They can help with:
- Back and neck pain relief
- Relief of pain in the legs, ankles, and feet
- Reduce swelling
- Stress reduction
- Headache relief
- Promote relaxation and better sleep
- Easing of muscle tension and fatigue
- Encourages the release of natural chemicals in the body to help with pain relief
- Helps to diminish anxiety and depression

Postnatal Massage
Don’t forget the new Moms! Massages also encourage relaxation and a return to pre-pregnancy health and well-being. Bringing home your newborn can introduce a lot of changes and stress. A postnatal massage can be just what’s needed to help address some of these changes.
Benefits of Postnatal Massage
Increase blood flow to muscles
While postnatal massage is generally defined from the date of delivery through approximately 8 weeks after delivery, most new Moms can start receiving postnatal massages as soon as they feel comfortable. But it’s also a good idea to check with your Doctor to make sure the timing is right for you. And good communication with your Massage Therapist is important here too. Make sure they know what adjustments can be made to make you feel more comfortable during your session.
To make your session even more relaxing, try adding Aromatherapy. Essential oils are used to assist with relaxation, to encourage hormone balance, and even to help with anxiety and depression. Ask your Therapist for details.
Ready to have a superb, relaxing massage experience? Schedule your massage appointment with Well Into Life today! Still have questions or need more information? See our Booking page, or contact us for further details.