Massage Therapy
One-time indulgence,
or a part of your wellness routine?
Massage therapy is the scientific manipulation of the soft tissues of the body, consisting primarily of manual (hands-on) techniques such as applying fixed or movable pressure, holding, and moving muscles and body tissues. It’s a way to heal and regenerate. It can be relaxing and soothing, or it can be deep and therapeutic. Either way, most people love getting massages!
It’s not surprising that people often think of getting a massage as an indulgence. After all, it is all about you. However, more and more people are recognizing what studies have shown – that getting a massage regularly helps the body and mind in many therapeutic ways. So yes, it is all about you! It’s about keeping you moving, and keeping you out of pain. Massage offers so many benefits that it is now becoming widely considered as a necessity for people choosing a healthy lifestyle.
At Well Into Life, we know that each therapy session should focus on your needs and goals. We customize our approach so you can achieve the best results possible. We utilize an array of advanced techniques. Even if you schedule a Swedish / Relaxation Massage, your Therapist will let you know if other therapies might be additionally beneficial for your needs. We’re sure you’ll come to appreciate the many benefits of the variety of therapies offered by Well Into Life Massage & Bodywork. Whether you just need a bit of self-indulgence, or have a specific problem or pain, our licensed therapists will help you feel better.
Types of Massages
Click on each massage type below to learn more:
Why do you get a massage?..

Pain Management
Many of our clients are wanting help with managing their pain. They’d like alternatives to all the pain medications and are interested in a more holistic approach. This is an area where massage really shines! People who have experienced chronic pain for years can find relief even after just one session (results are different for each individual).
Therapies that help with pain management include:

Staying Active
It’s a fact that we perform better when our muscles are more limber and less prone to cramping. Massage is the perfect answer to improve muscle movement, increase blood circulation, and to reduce tension. It’s no surprise that almost all professional athletes include massage therapy as part of their overall fitness routine.
Some of the therapies that help people stay active include:

Stress and Anxiety Relief
There are both physical and mental/emotional benefits that come from massage therapy. And many people find significant physical relief when they address stresses and anxieties that life can bring. So the entire massage experience is designed to help with both types of imbalances. The room has dimmed lighting, there’s soft music, and even the smells can be soothing and relaxing (as with Aromatherapy).
Some of the therapies that can help lessen stress and anxiety include:
There are a lot of great reasons for you to get a massage…
There are so many great reasons to get a massage, and our qualified and skilled Massage Therapists will give you a massage that’s based on your individual needs. There’s no cookie-cutter approach here. And you’ll get a massage for the full time that you pay for. If you pay for a 60-minute massage, you’ll get a 60-minute massage.
At Well Into Life Massage & Bodywork we offer a variety of different massage and energy therapies that have proven to consistently help people. We focus on what has worked for our clients. And each of our Licensed Massage Therapists has the ability to combine many different therapies into your service. You’ll have a collaborative experience with your Therapist to ensure that we focus on what you really need.
Benefits of Massage Therapy
From the physical perspective, massage is known to help with:
The circulation of blood and the flow of blood and lymph
From the mental and emotional perspective, massage therapy can:
If you’d like to discover how massage therapy can help you, call us today at 804-818-6281 to schedule an appointment at Well Into Life Massage & Bodywork.