
CBD Oil Massage

Discover the benefits of incorporating Hemp CBD Oil with therapeutic massage.


It didn’t take long for people to see the benefits of incorporating Hemp CBD Oil with therapeutic massage. It’s an excellent combination! The benefits of Hemp CBD are becoming more known and recognized by many people. Applying it topically via a massage is a great way to target specific areas of the body that require particular attention for pain relief. You get all the great benefits of a massage, PLUS you can get the added benefit of the pain relieving effects of Hemp CBD.


Do you have any of these symptoms?

Hemp CBD Oil Massage Inflamation

Hemp CBD Oil Massage Joint Pain & Muscle Pain

Hemp CBD Oil Massage Headaches

Hemp CBD Oil Massage Problem Sleeping

Hemp CBD Oil Massage Cramps

Hemp CBD Oil Massage Hot Flashes

Hemp CBD Oil Massage Anxiety

Hemp CBD Oil Massage Back Pain

If so, the properties in Hemp CBD might help you. Many people who have used over-the-counter drugs to relieve a variety of symptoms (like those mentioned above) believe that CBD offers a more natural alternative. Studies have shown that CBD may help reduce chronic pain by impacting endocannabinoid receptor activity, reducing inflammation and interacting with neurotransmitters.

Does Hemp CBD Oil create a high?

There are a couple of different CBD products that most people are familiar with. One is derived from Hemp and the other from Marijuana. They’re similar in that they come from the same plant family, Cannabis. But one, marijuana, is grown primarily for its THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) content, while the other, hemp, has very low THC. And it’s this THC that makes a person experience the feeling of being high because of its psychoactive effect. All the CBD products at Well Into Life are derived from the Cannabis plant that naturally has very low amounts of THC… the hemp plant. The Hemp CBD products that can legally be sold in the United States have a maximum of .3% per dry unit (or less) of the compound THC. Now, compare that to the amount of THC in marijuana, which is around 5% – 30%. That’s a big difference! And considering the fact that the products we use contain non-detectable amounts of THC, there’s no chance that a person would get high from a Hemp CBD oil massage at Well Into Life.

Are there any side effects?

Hemp CBD is well tolerated by most people, even among those who use high dosages. However, as with all types of treatments, it’s best to discuss it with your doctor to make sure your usage of CBD will not introduce any risks for you personally, especially if you use any medications that CBD may have the potential of interacting or interfering with. A study showed that full spectrum hemp oil can potentially inhibit the metabolism of hepatic drugs and decrease p-glycoproteins in the body. If you’re on a medication that would be impacted by the neutralization of the P450 liver enzyme, it’s important that you talk with your doctor before taking high doses of hemp CBD.

Other potential side effects that were noted in studies include:

Hemp CBD Oil Massage Nausea

Hemp CBD Oil Massage Drowsiness and/or dizziness

Hemp CBD Oil Massage Changes in appetite

Hemp CBD Oil Massage A drop in blood pressure

Hemp CBD Oil Massage Dry mouth

If you have chronic health conditions, it is always best to check with your doctor before engaging in therapies such as massage, including a massage using Hemp CBD Oil. And please talk with your massage therapist about your conditions before your appointment. There might be other therapies they can suggest that will have better results for you.

What kind of oil do we use?

We use a high-quality, non-greasy Hemp CBD Massage Oil that delivers CBD deep into tissues. The CBD oil is non-GMO and free of pesticides and contaminants. Only therapeutic grade, lab tested CBD is used in our massages.

 Would you like to try a Hemp CBD Oil Massage?

If you’d like to give Hemp CBD Oil Massage a try, click here to learn more about scheduling your appointment at Well Into Life Massage and Bodywork. And remember, if you’re a new client, ask about our new client discount!

Hemp CBD products are not yet approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for any medical condition and are not regulated for purity and dosage like medications. The benefits of Hemp CBD are still being evaluated and new information is becoming available as the understanding and knowledge of this product grows. We recommend that you search for recent articles and study results to get the most current information. As always, you should consult with your Doctor before engaging in any treatment plan to understand any potential risks, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a chronic medical condition.